August 2018 – Vetagro announces a landmark sponsorship with the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) for its Fellow Program. The FFAR Fellows Program will fund 48 graduate students over three years using an interdisciplinary approach to career readiness. Students will pursue research projects in an area of food or agriculture research related to FFAR’s Challenge Areas and strategic initiatives. In addition to academic advisors, students will be matched with industry mentors who will provide additional career guidance.
“This sponsorship is part of Vetagro’s ongoing commitment to an innovative and science-based R&D – explains Andrea Piva, Vetagro President – The FFAR program aim to grow the next generation of food and agriculture researchers up and we are thrilled to be part of this journey”.
Today (August 7th 2018) the 17 inaugural recipients of the 2018 FFAR Fellow award have been announced and Vetagro is proud industry sponsor of Ananda Portela Fontoura. Fontoura is a Stipend and Professional Development FFAR Fellow in the Department of Animal Science at Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She will work to define nutritional therapies that can improve the metabolic health and productivity of dairy cows at the onset of lactation and when exposed to heat stress.
“Supporting this research means contribute to the evolution of current feeding system and allow an advancement of animal production” concludes Piva “We wish all the best to Fontura!”